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Breaking news!!! :)

Our art director got the grand gig as the big cheese judge for this massive event – talk about a feather in our cap! But wait, we've got some juicy tidbits to spill! Brace yourselves, because every single design from the contestants was off-the-charts amazing. Seriously, they've set the bar so high, it's almost in the stratosphere. It's going to be a nail-biter trying to pick the winners, but honestly, we couldn't be happier about it. We want to send a big shout-out to all the participants. Your jaw-dropping creativity and mad skills have made our job tough, but it's a good kind of tough. So, thanks a million for bringing your A-game! This event has been a whirlwind of...

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The Five StudioS and DingDong Bear experience, what a blessing!

The theme park and toy industry? Oh boy, they're like the dynamic duo of fun, right? I mean, picture this: you've got these tiny toys, like 5 cm tall, and they're just minding their own business. But wait, here comes the theme park design magic! Suddenly, these little guys grow into giants, towering over 20 meters tall! It's like they hit the growth spurt of a lifetime, but they didn't just hit it – they started from it!And guess what? DingDong Bear and the five studios are throwing a party of cooperation! They're high-fiving each other like, "Hey, let's take these awesome toys and make 'em colossal!" It's like they're in cahoots to blow our minds with mega-sized fun.I mean,...

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An other successful Gathering at the Canton Fair venue!

The “趣浪来潮造动节” event at the China Building Expo was jointly organized by the China Building Expo and “雅居生活” media, and it opened at Hall 10.3 in Zone B of the China Building Expo (Guangzhou) 2023. Designers’ group photo, featuring characters like “叮咚熊&来运兔,” a flying disc and skateboard outdoor sports experience area, and Harley-Davidson motorcycles.Mr. Chen Penghan, the Marketing Director of China Building Expo exhibitors, delivered a welcoming speech, highlighting the event’s new exhibition layout with five main themes: “customization, system, intelligence, design, and materials,” covering nearly 500,000 square meters with close to 2,000 participating companies.Key Theme Insights: 1. Hong Zhongxuan, Founder of HHD Holiday Oriental International Design Agency, discussed the importance of the soulful nature of intellectual property (IP) in...

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